“You have no idea, do you, she says. How could you? They don’t teach you any of this. Too unpatriotic, right, to tell you the horrible things our country’s done before. The camps at Manzanar, or what happens at the border. They probably teach you that most plantation owners were kind to their slaves and that Columbus discovered America, don’t they? Because telling you what really hap- pened would be espousing un-American views, and we certainly wouldn’t want that. Bird doesn’t fully understand any of thesethings, but what he does understand, suddenly, and with head-spinning force, is how much he doesnot know. I’m sorry, he says meekly. The librarian sighs. How can you know, she says, if no one teaches you and no one ever talks about it, and all the books about it are gone? A long silence unwinds between them.” (Ng, 2020, p. 114) PREFACE In 1945, Korea hung the red and blue Korean flags on...


I…am a Christian Descendant of God himself, I get on my knees every night and recite 10 Our Fathers but 1 Hail Mary I fight the good fight. I...